Oneirophobia Progress Report #4: Releasing soon Chapter 1

Hello everyone! (If someone  is still waiting for this :c)

How are you doing today? I hope you all are well and safe in your homes.

Ok, first of all, sorry for being inactive since the last year... So much happened and I wasn't able to continue the VN.

BUT this time I've been working little by little these last days and soon you'll be able to play the Chapter 1 if everything ends well.

I don't know when, but I'll try to end it as fast as possible.

Also I have a little surprise...

That's right, one of the characters redisigned :3

Saddly I don't have all of them, only David, so MAYBE this will be not inlcuded in the chapter 1.

And... that's all from now.

Again, sorry if I kept waiting you for so long.

If you have any question, feel free to ask it .

Good night everyone and thenk you for being there :'3

Get Oneirofobia


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I remember playing this visual novel way back from somewhere in 2021 or maybe the end of 2020 🦆

Can't remember the plot aside from tiny hazy bits that come to my mind when I read that title again.

Dunno what I'm trying to say but I'm eager to play future updates 🙏🦆 This'll be interesting to get into playing visual novels for the 3rd time once more. UwU

Stay safe and keep at it at your own pace ✌🦆